
At the turn of 1983 in a small Brazilian town, a group of gay men and women celebrate New Year’s Eve with no idea of the approaching evil. The biologist Suzano knows something terrible is disrupting his body. Uncertain of his future and desperate at the lack of information, Suzano reaches out to transsexual artist Rose and filmmaking student Humberto, both equally ill.

Technical information

Country / state Brazil, ES

Estimated Budget US$ 225,000.00

Amount Raised US$ 205,000.00

Contact [email protected]

Selected project in the BrLab, 2018

Production Company

Pique-Bandeira Filmes

Film production and distribution company focused on the production and distribution of auteur film and TV projects. Its films have been screened at national and international film festivals such as Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes, Olhar de Cinema, Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay, among others, and licensed for TV channels and on demand platforms.