
Lóri (Simone Spoladore) is a teacher whose life is filled with a monotonous work routine and furtive relationships until she meets Ulisses (Javier Drolas), a self-centered and provocative Argentine philosophy teacher. With him, Lóri learns to love, facing her own loneliness. A journey of intimate investigation and dissolution of old patterns, made possible by their encounter, exchange and mutual learning.

Technical information

Country / state Brazil / Argentina

Estimated Budget US$ 1.100.000,00

Amount Raised US$ 1.100.000,00

Contact [email protected]

Selected project in the BrLab, 2015

Production Company


Works on the intersection between culture, entertainment and brand communication, focusing on international coproduction. In 2018, the company launched the series Forever words for Canal Curta! and My life is circus for HBO, shot in eight countries. In 2019, its documentary Taking Iacanga won the Best Film award in the festival In-Edit Brasil. Currently, bigBonsai is developing projects with partners in Argentina, Chile, England and Spain.