
It's the summer of 1994 in the poor outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Armando is a former military officer going through a crisis in his marriage. After retiring, he starts spending more time at home and since his elder daughters are already grown women, he takes on with no previous experience the responsibility of educating their youngest, Elisa, who won't followIt's the summer of 1994 in the poor outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Armando is a former military officer going through a crisis in his marriage. After retiring, he starts spending more time at home and since his elder daughters are already grown women, he takes on with no previous experience the responsibility of educating their youngest, Elisa, who won't follow

Technical information

Country / state Brazil

Estimated Budget US$ 770,000.00

Amount Raised US$ 0,00

Contact [email protected]

Selected project in the BrLab, 2015