Film director, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Film from FAAP-SP/2002, a master’s degree in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP/2004, a PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA/USP-SP/2010 and is currently pursuing a postdoctoral degree in Education at UFRJ/2013. She teaches Film Editing, Film Direction, Sound and Image Editing and Film Direction – TCC in the undergraduate Film course; and Criticism in Communication, in the undergraduate Film, Radio and TV, Advertising and Public Relations courses at FAAP. She also acts as a speaker at Minuto Escola and Festival do Minuto. Founding partner of Ouroboros Cinema e Educação. She has been working for 17 years in consulting and social projects involving audiovisual education for NGOs and institutions such as: Associação Cultural Kinoforum (Kinoforum Workshops), Buriti Filmes, Instituto Criar, workshops at Festival do Minuto/Projeto Minuto Escola, SESC, Casa Redonda, Colégio Dante Alighieri, Centro de Cultura Judaica; and institutions related to public bodies such as Fábricas de Cultura (SEC-SP), Centro da Juventude (SSP-SP), Secretarias de Cultura de São Paulo (SEC and SMC), Secretaria de Cultura de Porto Alegre, Secretaria de Cultura de Recife, among others. The projects developed in the period include lectures and workshops for more than 3,000 public school teachers, for Festival do Minuto/Minuto Escola; the design and creation of the KinoOikos website, for Kinoforum (2007); the pedagogical conception of the video workshops and Portal Tela Br for Buriti Filmes (2008); and the lectures and workshops for public school teachers for SMC in Porto Alegre, as part of the Audiovisual Literacy Project implemented in 2008-2013.