Micaela Cajahuaringa Schreiber is a peruvian cinematographer who lives in Fortaleza, where she works independently on fiction and documentary features. Cajahuaringa has done cinematography and camera work in feature films produced by Sudaca Films, which have won international awards for Best Camera Work and Best Cinematography. She has mainly worked on peruvian feature films with directors such as Francisco Lombardi, Fabrizio Aguilar, Alvaro Velarde and Ronnie Temoche, among others. Graduated at the University of Lima, during her third year, in 1986, she won a scholarship to study at the newly created EICTV in Cuba. She has specialized in Cinematography, attending workshops by filmmakers like Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, Ricardo Aronovich and Cesar Charlone. When she felt the need to add to her cinematography and study the fine arts deeper to achieve a more integrated visual language, she went to the Fine Arts School of Corriente Alterna for three years, and in 2003 she specialized in technology at the Corcoran School of Arts in Washington. In 2003 she goes back to EICTV as a professor and head of the Cinematography chair until July 2006. In Fortaleza she works with Marcus Moura doing cinematography on his documentaries. She is currently filming the documentary Imburana.