Mar Medir, coordinator at Catalan Films, holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations (UAB, 2003), and another one in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (UB 2012). She also took the postgraduate courses in Line Producing, Executive Production and Project Development at ESCAC. Since 2005 she has worked in the executive production field, in companies like Oberon Cinematogràfica, El Kinògraf or Inicia Films. Mar has participated in projects such as Luisa is not at home, by Celia Rico (Biennale di Venezia 2012); Elisa K, by Judith Colell and Jordi Cadena (San Sebastián International Film Festival 2010); The Milk of Sorrow, by Claudia Llosa (Golden Bear, Berlinale 2009); The Plague, by NeusBallús (Berlinale 2013, Lux Awards 2013) and GodkaCirka, by Àlex Lora (Sundance Film Festival, 2013). For three years she was the manager of Pro-Docs, the documentary producers’ association.