90 min | 2018 | Costa Rica / Mexico | Color

The story is based on Eugenio, a 72 years old man who has a debt with himself: he wants to win a trophy. He is a former soccer star but he retired young. Now he’s living in a nursing home, and he finds the last opportunity in a tropical dance contest for elderly people.So, he stars to practice with Carmen his friend, and also with Daniel, the dance instructor, another man from his same age who is openly gay. This bothers Eugenio, but he realizes that Daniel it’s very helpful in his process.

Technical information

Ivan Porras
Karolina Hernández, Marcela Esquivel, Nicole Maynard Pinto e Marco Antonio Salgado
Ivan Porras e Henrique Pérez Him
Marco Antonio Calvo Cronado, Vicky Montero e Patricio Arenas

Additional Information

Premiered at the 33rd Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara.