Through a partnership between BrLab – development of audiovisual projects and ABRA (Associação Brasileira de Autores Roteiristas), curated by Thiago Dottori, the first BrPlot – Encontro de Roteiristas will be held in 2017. This event is one of the fruits of BrLab’s growth, an opportunity to reach out to the professionals who did not have their projects selected during the 7 years of existence of the laboratory, added by ABRA’s attention to the great demand for scriptwriting discussion spaces. In order to arrange discussions about the themes, approaches, concepts and fundamental elements in the construction of a script and its characters, and also to reflect on the scriptwriting market in Brazil, a series of panels and debates were organized, with the participation of renowned writers, authors, producers, among several other audiovisual professionals in Brazil and abroad.

Programme 2017




OPENING PANEL – Classic Scripts of the Brazilian Film Revival: Carlota Joaquina, Central do Brasil and Cidade de Deus

7 PM

FAAP Auditorium

The event’s opening panel will promote a conversation with scriptwriters of classic films of the so-call revival of Brazilian cinema. In a time when little was produced, the 3 films discussed by this panel, each in its own way, made their marks in the history of film, with great repercussion in Brazil and abroad. The panel will also attempt to show a panorama of the script development scenario, from the end of the 90s and beginning of the 2000s, to the present.




PANEL 1: Is there a lack of scriptwriters in Brazil?

02:30 PM

Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc - SP

The panel will attempt to investigate a frequent – and sometimes uncomfortable – question in the Brazilian audiovisual market: Is there a lack of scriptwriters in Brazil? With the growth of audiovisual production for film and television in the country, the scriptwriter is often detected as the guilty party of unsuccessful audiovisual works. The panel will discuss the reasons commonly used to reach this verdict, and also the scriptwriters’ counter-arguments, who suspect that this statement, in fact, masks several production problems in the sector.




PANEL 2: In Search of New Protagonists

5 PM

Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc - SP

The search for new protagonists in Brazilian audiovisual products, taking into account the representativeness of minorities, is the theme of this panel. Has the representation of black, women and LGBT minorities in national series and films been gaining space? This panel will address this question and the affirmative actions that have been changing the audiovisual scenario in the country. There will also be a short presentation by APAN – Associação de Profissionais Negros do Audiovisual, an association that seeks to promote professional integration and protection of rights. The association has national reach and seeks initiatives that foster black representation and representativeness in audiovisual works.

Daniel Ribeiro

screenwriter and director

Carol Rodrigues

director and screenwriter




PANEL 3: Are Scriptwriters also writers? Are writers also scriptwriters?

7:30 PM

Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc - SP

With the participation of writers who are also scriptwriters and scriptwriters who are also writers, the debate will address an “existential” issue in the scriptwriter’s life. Are they “writers”, or are they more into the field of “audiovisual technique”? Given that, on the one hand, there is a growing number of writers writing scripts, is it possible to say that they are naturally able to write scripts? What are the boundaries between literature and audiovisual scripts?




PANEL 4: Copyright, presenting GEDAR

11 AM

Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc - SP

In general, Brazilian scriptwriters know little about their rights, when compared, for example, with other Latin American countries. Organizations that collect Copyright Proceeds have been operating for many years in Argentina, while in Brazil the Copyright Law and its ramifications are not yet fully tackled. GEDAR – Gestão de Direitos do Autor Roteirista, launched a year ago, will address the current situation surrounding the collection of Copyright proceeds by Brazilian authors – a fundamental discussion for the scriptwriting market in Brazil.




PANEL 5: How to write comedies

02:30 PM

Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc - SP

There is no exact recipe for laughter. Writing comedies is a huge challenge, on which the panel guests, experienced comedy writers, will try to reflect. The specificities of comedy, the approaches that usually work and the career failures of each panel guest will be reviewed, in an attempt to better understand the country’s most successful genre.

Caco Galhardo

cartoonist and screenwriter

Teodoro Poppovic

screenwriter and director




PANEL 6: TV series: where are we at? Where are we going?

4:30 PM

Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc - SP

It is impossible to discuss audiovisual scriptwriting today without mentioning the rise of TV series worldwide. Over the past 15 years, TV series have become extremely popular, from The Sopranos, to the worldwide hit Game of Thrones, through the massive production of large audiovisual players and the entry of on demand audiovisual content platforms. In a scenario marked by the growing production of series in the country, an intriguing question inspires this debate: have the Brazilian series won their audience? What are our best examples? What is the future of Brazilian series?


Caco Galhardo

cartoonist and screenwriter

Carolina Kotscho

author, director and producer

Carolina Rodrigues

(mediação) Diretora e roteirista

Daniel Ribeiro

screenwriter and director

Sponsors and partners 2017