Having earned a degree in Film and Audiovisual Studies from Universidade Federal Fluminense, she currently works at Vitrine Filmes as a licensing and production coordinator. She is the producer of the feature Casa da Mata (in development) and in 2021 she developed Vitrine LAB, a training course in audiovisual distribution, currently in its second edition. In 2020 she was selected to participate in the Locarno Industry Academy - Panama.

As a collaborator at Bubbles Project, she worked in the production of features Benzinho, directed by Gustavo Pizzi (Sundance 2018); Familia Sumergida, directed by María Alché, (Best Film - San Sebastián 2018); and Pendular, directed by Julia Murat (FIPRESCI at the 2017 Berlinale’s Panorama program), among others.

In 2013 she won a grant for university productions offered by the World Bank in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment, with which she codirected, wrote and produced the short film Operação Chorume. Through the same initiative, she produced Daniel Soares’s documentary feature film Maré Leste.
