78 min | 2016 | Brazil | Color

Dione (Dione Ávila de Oliveira) is a young man with strange habits, who lives isolated with his family in a rural and remote region. But their tranquility is shaken when a wealthy landowner attempts to buy the small property where he and his family live. The young man starts to carry a rifle at all times, in order to defend his territory.

Technical information

Davi Pretto
Paola Wink
Davi Pretto e Richard Tavares
Dione Avila de Oliveira, Andressa Nogueira Goularte, Evaristo Pimentel Goularte, Elizabete Farinha Nogueira

Additional Information

Has participated on the 4th BrLab, in 2014, entitled "Até o Caminho"