Fernando Bonassi was born on November 16, 1962, in São Paulo, Brazil. He is a screenwriter, playwright and author of several books – among them the novels “Subúrbio” (Ed. Objetiva) and “Luxúria” (Ed. Record), the children's book “Declaração universal do moleque invocado” (Ed. CosacNaify/SENAC), and the short stories book “SP Brasil” (Ed. Dimensão), the last two finalists of Prêmio Jabuti. His main works for cinema are the screenplays of “Carandiru” (directed by Hector Babenco) and “Cazuza – o tempo não para” (directed by Sandra Werneck and Walter Carvalho); and for theater, “Apocalipse 1.11” (with Teatro da Vertigem) and “Arena conta Danton” (directed by Cibele Forjaz). Winner of the DAAD (German Exchange Service) arts scholarship, with which he lived and wrote in Berlin, in 1998. Columnist of newspaper “Folha de São Paulo” from 1997 to 2007. He also developed, in partnership with Marçal Aquino, the series “Força tarefa”, “O caçador”, “Supermax” and “Carcereiros”, for Rede Globo de Televisão.